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Abdominal Weight - Lose it Fast

Is it easy to lose abdominal weight fast? It can be if you are motivated enough to stick to a routine and particularly, limit your dietary intake to only essential healthy foods. Even the slightest slip up can result in extra tummy fat if you are particularly prone to putting on weight in that area.
Both men and women struggle with excess weight around the tummy area and it seems that it is always easier to put it on than it is to lose it. But don't let that deter you from abdominal weight lose - you can do it!
To lose belly fat you should not starve yourself. You should never starve yourself to lose ANY weight as this is exceptionally unhealthy and dangerous. In fact you should keep yourself well fed when you are wanting to lose weight. It is the hunger pangs that will have you eating too much, so if you can stave them off then you are on the way to weight loss.
How do you stop yourself feeling hungry? The best way is to eat small regular meals instead of three large ones. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are considered to be mandatory meals but you can add a few more in between such as brunch and mid afternoon tea. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day, but it should be a healthy one. For abdominal weight loss, bacon and eggs are off the menu. Replace that unhealthy fried breakfast with whole wheat cereal, soy or skim milk, fruit and oats. You will find this meal tides you over for several hours.
Brunch (mid morning) should be a mix of fruit and healthy snacks like muesli bars (just beware of the high sugar ones). For lunch consider a risotto and boiled vegetables. Mid afternoon snacks can consist of some fruit again or anything else that is of low calorie. Dinner should be light. Having a big dinner will reduce your chance of a good night sleep as your body processes the food. It will also result in weight gain around the belly because when you are sleeping you will put on the extra weight as your metabolism slows down.

The above eating regime leaves little room for hunger and as such you are less likely to crave unhealthy snacks. Abdominal weight loss is not difficult - just follow a smart eating plan and mix it up with some regular exercise and you will see results within a few weeks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1406807


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